Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thank Yous

In the spirit of Jimmy Fallon, I'm going to start doing some weekly thank yous.

Thank you, Smith's Double Vanilla Ice Cream, for getting me to like plain vanilla ice cream again after a 24 year absence.

Thank you, Spring, for exploding in my face.

Thank you, Winter, for the joke.

Thank you, Rodger, for being full of hilarious faces.

Thank you, Jillian, for challenging Smith's Double Vanilla Ice Cream to a stiff competition of who will kill me first.

Thank you, Chef Brad of Fusion Grain Cooking, for teaching me this "fabulous" breakfast recipe.

And thank you, Easter, for reminding me there can be beauty in hashtags. #BecauseHeLives (Is it weird that the part with the girl eating ice cream is the part that made me cry?)


ria said...

Why do you always gotta make me cry?!

Liz said...

Love it!!!

Alison said...

Another great post. And hilarious.

Kim Woodruff said...

I love his faces