Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Making Sense

Somewhere in the not too distant past, I was walking around downtown on a sunny Saturday.  I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt and I hadn't taken a shower for a couple days.  Two men called me beautiful as I walked by.  As I was crossing a crosswalk, a truck stopped in the middle of his turn, and rolled down the window to whistle at me.

I met up with my roommate to go to a movie.  After the ticket man ripped my ticket and called me beautiful, I told my roommate as we walked away that something really weird was happening today...something just didn't make sense.

Then she said, "No, it makes sense.  You step out of the Mormon single world and things just start making sense."


Kim Woodruff said...

Of course it makes sense. You ARE beautiful.

Sarah said...

You really are beautiful. More beautiful than ever.