Wednesday, July 20, 2011

So Big, So Small

I spent the last week in Utah, loving my family, and yesterday I flew back to DC.  

I love flying, but mostly, I love the window seat.

Whenever I look out an airplane, one thought runs through my mind over and over again:

And I am so small.

This world is an unending source of unduplicated, awe-inspiring creations and I can only look and be reminded of how little I see, how much I don't understand, and how often I forget.

It was an interesting feeling compared to the feeling that was pressing on me each day while I was at home.  I would look at my parents, my siblings, their spouses and children and one thought ran through my mind over and over again:

My world fits into one tiny frame.

They are an unending source of unduplicated, awe-inspiring love and I can only be reminded of how much I need them, how desperately I always want to be near them, and how little the world would mean without them.