Saturday, May 4, 2013

Rex Lee Run

Oh, the Rex Lee Run. So classic. 

This year, the stripes were a pretty blue, there were plentiful freezing water cups that no one wanted to drink due to the freezing weather, and plenty of pictures (and videos).

I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as Morgan and I enjoyed the race.

Our classic pre-race feast: the new dorrito ranch taco.

The day dawned white and cold. Really cold. Really, really cold.

This is Morgan, being a snow angel to bless our race.

I'm sure the weather didn't help, but there seems to be fewer and fewer people running the Rex every year. 
Which we don't mind since it betters our chances.
Our goal was to beat this group with the wheelchair.

Actually, our goal is always to at least run the big hill and then walk/run whatever we feel like. 
We didn't make it.
This year, it was so cold, Morgan's toes almost fell off from frostbite. She was practically running on club feet. 
I told her to wiggle them.

My nose started running and the boogers froze before I could gracefully remove them. Hence I used my mouth to try and breathe up the hill. My throat quickly caught on fire as I felt that pain that only comes from burning cold. I couldn't breathe through my nose or my mouth and my throat felt like it had frostbite. Morgan told me to wiggle it.

New goal: be the very last people to hobble over the finish line. We purposely paused as often as we could to let people go ahead of us. We had to stop to take a lot of pretty pictures along the way to make it look like we weren't trying to throw the race :)

Morgan told me her favorite thing was always looking up when it snowed. We tried to capture it.

We also had some mini adventures.

Like watching this cup race us down the road.

Like mid-race reunions with old roommates.

Like showing off the forward front leg kick.

Like finding signs that encouraged us to do the opposite of our goal.

Like good old fashioned tunnel singing.

Like meeting this volunteer at the end of the race who reminded us of the Validation guy with his perky attitude and nice compliments ("Not many people would come out in this weather just to walk the race, you guys are awesome!") Seriously, if you haven't watched Validation on youtube, do it now.

And of course, like the grand slow motion finale.

 In the end, we weren't the last to finish so we failed our goal.
But look who just happened to come in before us. If we couldn't have been the last to come in, at least we failed in our goal to beat the wheelchair group and that's enough of a success.

Thanks for a great race as always, Morgan!


Annie Gedge said...

I freakin' miss Morgan adventures. What a great failure of goals. I'm impressed.

Erin Teichert Barbuto said...

I would love to do this with you guys next year!

Anne Burnett said...

I love you, Ashley!

Kate said...

How are those Dorito tacos, anyway?

Looks like a good time!

Kelli Burton said...

yep, ya just never cancel anything for weather in the mountain west!

good work ladies. good work.

The Sabeys said...

I am seriously obsessed with you guys! You are the best. I love the Rex Lee Run. Oh how I miss it. Someday I will run it again. And I LOVE validation and I love that there was someone on the course like him.

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