Monday, June 15, 2015

Peach Pie

My number one craving when I was pregnant with Rodger was peaches. Something inside of me knew that if I just ate all the peaches in the world, every day, I'd feel better.

"Don't mind me, just chillin' with my peaches."

Even during the big Costco listeria peaches scare, I still ate peaches.

"Seriously, Mom? Listeria? I could have died."

I ate peaches so much that David and I considered naming the child "Peaches."

"Mmmmmm. Peeeaches."

When Rodger came out, his hair was the color of peaches. 

He is soft and fuzzy just like a peach.

He is sweet and tart, just like a peach.

Happy 6 Months, Little Peach Pie! We love you!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Thank Yous

Thank you, David's Beard, for being the love of my life. You are so handsome. I don't know why David always insists on shaving you off. But like the old saying goes, "If you truly love something, set it free and if it loves you, it will come back." Thank you for always coming back to me. The face you come with ain't half bad either.

Thank you, Adrienne(BarrAT Elementary's Teacher of the Year), for always being up to chase a dream, eat good food, and travel with a baby. Your abiity to identify phonetic alphabets from bilingual ones isn't half bad either.

Thank you, rainy May, for making me feel that I had a legitimate cozy excuse to curl up with a book and be as lazy as possible for a whole month. Your skies weren't half bad either.

Thank you, Rodger, with your Blue Steel and non-ambiturner abilities, I have high hopes for your modeling career. Your double chin ain't half bad either. Who am I kidding, it's not half bad, it's 100% adorable.