Monday, August 29, 2011

My Waking Eyes

You know that part on Lord of the Rings when Sam and Frodo are laying, exhausted, near the top of Mount Doom?  And they've given everything they have and are to make it to that point, they've come so far and yet seem to have nothing left to take them the final steps to the top?

And that's when Sam says to Frodo, remember the Shire?  Remember the orchards and the birds and the barley, remember the taste of strawberries?

And Frodo says, "No, Sam.  I can't recall the taste of food.  Nor the sound of water.  Or the touch of grass.  I'm naked in the dark.  There's veil between me and the wheel of fire.  I can see him with my waking eyes!"

Well, I finally understand what Frodo means.  As I lay here, exhausted, near the top of Mount Homework Doom, I've come so far and yet seem to have nothing left to take me through the final assignments that are due by Wednesday. I can't recall the peace of sleep. Nor what outside this apartment feels like.  I'm naked in the dark.  There's veil between me and the wheel of deadlines.  I can see homework with my waking eyes!

Erg.  Thursday is going to be the happiest day of my life.


Alison said...

Oh Ashley, you can do it.

Kelli Burton said...

yikes! this is no way to live. almost there.

Kim Woodruff said...

You can do it!!!

Lil M said...