Thursday, February 3, 2011


I guess the Chinese New Year was on my mind today.  I did some doodling during a meeting.  Unfortunately, I've never been very good at rabbits.

No matter how goofy I try to make them look, they always come out looking a little angry.  And slightly evil.  I tried removing the arched eyebrows, the teeth and the upturned cheeks. 

Well, now he just looks drugged up.  Maybe if I made the rabbit a girl with a big smile...

I have three words for this doodle: creepy, clown, and soul-less.

My sister told me the year of the rabbit is supposed to be "quiet, positive, and inspiring."  If my doodles are any indication, it's going to be anything but.

Happy Chinese New Year!

(I guess this one's not so long as you keep in mind that those are just hopping marks coming out from behind him, and nothing else.)


Alison said...

I always forget you are an artist. You should draw more often, even if it is creepy, souless bunnies.

Kate said...

I never knew you could draw! And I love your 30 by 30 list!

Lil M said...

Hahaha. Do you remember when I had you draw me a bunny when I was a child?! It looked like a quiet, positive, and inspiring bunny. I think it is still on Mom and Dad's wall at home, I will have to send you a picture.

Ashley said...

I cannot draw, friends. I can only doodle. Morgan, I don't remember that picture, I think you're crazy - it is certainly not hanging up anywhere!

Sarah said...

Haha those are extremely disturbing rabbits.

Erin Teichert Barbuto said...

Ashley, I just found this blog! It's fantastic! And I just want to know if you've seen or read Watershed Down?