Friday, February 4, 2011


Last night, my bagpipe teacher told me that the greatest piper in the entire world is currently William McCallum (she refers to him simply as Willie).  She said when he was a wee babe he got bagpipe music for Christmas instead of toys.  She said his uncle would take him out to a field and throw rocks at him while he practiced, just to help with his concentration.

This reminded me of an article I read a couple weeks ago about Jimmer Fredette.  Jimmer is currently one of the greatest college basketball players in the nation.  The article mentioned how his brother used to take him to the church gym and run "The Gauntlet."  They would turn out the lights and a group of friends would think of various obstacles to throw up in Jimmer's way as he worked towards the basket.  It was all to help with his concentration, of course.

I'm beginning to think that this "rock" throwing strategy has something to it.  Perhaps someone should come throw rocks at me while I do my homework, just to help with my concentration.  I can think of a couple people who would love to help me out in this regard, mainly this guy: 



Liz said...

Just dont get hurt. :) Love ya

Alison said...

Those are great stories. Are you going to try to make it to one of Willie's concerts?

Kim Woodruff said...

You are welcome over here for a study date any time.

Kim Woodruff said...

You know, I've been to writer's conferences where the teachers purposefully have loud conversations while you are trying to do the writing exercise they just asked you to do. I think that's the verbal equivalent of rock throwing, right?

Ben said...

I'd let him do the rock throwing virtually (Kim's got that new camera), but I'm not sure how many rocks it would take before our virtual session was over.