Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Glorious Hunt

I hope you had some time this weekend to reflect on that peculiar tradition that is known as an Easter Egg Hunt.

Perhaps you reflected on the various nature of those who participate in the Hunt.  

Such as the men who fear the anxiety of the battle, but put on their brave faces anyway because they know the rewards outweigh the risks.

Or perhaps you reflected on those who suddenly gain warrior strength and speed as they rush from egg to egg.

Or perhaps you found yourself admiring those who remain calm and collected during the general pandemonium in order to use their ingenuity to achieve victory.

Or perhaps you were amazed by those who become so confused in that very same pandemonium that they forget what it was exactly they are supposed to be gathering.

Or perhaps you pondered those who are content to simply find one egg, delicately place it in their basket, and guard it fiercely.

Or maybe you found enjoyment by pondering those who frequently stop to make sure their spoils are worth the effort.

Or maybe you like to think about those who are just happy to be there.

However, the people we should really be reflecting on are those who pilfer goods from innocent children in the name of "They could use less sugar anyway."

Something should really be done about those people.

Happy Easter, Everyone! 


Katie Hutson said...

Ashley! Your posts bring me great joy:). I love checking in on your blog. You are going to be the greatest teacher ever. Wish we could have seen you in march!

Anonymous said...
