Friday, August 19, 2011

Nerd Alert

Maybe this past week I have been doing 8 - 10 hour days of homework (trying to do six months of work in one month) and then staying up until 4 in the morning rereading the Harry Potter series.

Maybe once, or twice, I have wished I had Hermione Granger to copy notes from.

Maybe I have had a secret crush on Snape since the very first time I ever read the first Harry Potter book.

Maybe while plowing through the third book, every time they mentioned dementors I imagined my unfinished homework and I immediately felt cold, lifeless, depressed - as if I'd never be happy again.

Maybe after everyone has gone to bed at night and I've just brushed my teeth, I point my toothbrush wand to the bathroom mirror and whisper "Expecto Patronum!" (It's a giraffe, btw)

Maybe yesterday while eating a piece of bread, a crown came off my tooth and exposed a horribly rotten tooth underneath and my first thought was about going to see Madame Pomfrey.

Maybe I just finished the fifth book and cried when Dumbledore told Harry he loved him.

Maybe you could call me a nerd.  But do you really want to after all the hexes and jinxes I've been reading up on?


Alison said...

You already finished number 5! I need to read faster.

Sarah said...

I'm not afraid. You're a NERD. I haven't even finished two yet.

Becky said...

When I first saw the title of this post, I thought it was an ode to me. ;)