Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bran Muffins

I've been reading a lot of the pioneer woman blog lately, and there's something about that blog that just makes you want to document every step of a cooking process with photos.  I made bran muffins for the first time last night and I experimented with the whole cooking/picture taking process.  CAUTION:  The majority of the pictures you are about to see look like I made bran muffins with ingredients you would find in a diaper.  

Reading pioneer woman first makes you want to pull out all your ingredients and set them together on the table for a photo shoot.  And then try to say something clever like: "Here is our cast of characters" or "And the starting line-up is..."

I started out with grand ambitions of taking pictures of every step.  As you can see, here is the boiling water.

I also tried to take a pioneer woman action shot, but my brain could not pour and click the camera button at the same time without making it blurry.  Or spitty (don't those bubbles look like major clumps of saliva?).

When all I kept getting were pictures of steam, I decided to forget about the camera for awhile.

The is the bran after it's been boiled.  I don't think this picture is blurry, I think this is just what it looks like.

I love mixing dry ingredients.

I love mixing wet ingredients.  I also love taking blurry photos, obviously.

I do not love mixing dry and wet ingredients together.  It takes the most muscle.

By the way, these muffins are very healthy, they have no taste, I mean no sugar.

I had a RS Enrichment activity 5 years ago that involved a bran muffin baking demonstration.   I have been craving them ever since.

These turned out all right.  Despite the fact that I doubled the recipe without doubling the egg whites I was supposed to put in.  And not putting any banana extract in.  And baking for 10 minutes longer than called for.  Yah, they turned out all right.


Lil M said...

Bran muffins with craisins sound amazing! You've got me craving bran muffins. It feels kind of funny.

Sarah said...

Looks absolutely appetizing! Hmmmmmmmmmm!

Sarah said...


Sarah said...

hey! I thought I had signed in but it keeps saying 'Sarah'....this is your mother 'typing'!!:)