Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sweet Dreams and Forgotten Cities

Last night I dreamt I took Magarooni for a walk in a stroller.  We ran into some University of Michigan college freshman who started making fun of her.  They grabbed her little hat and passed it around, trying it on, and making baby noises.

I walked over to them and grabbed the hat and said, "How dare you!  This is one of the cutest babies you will ever see, and there is no need to make fun of her!"  Then they walked away, thoroughly ashamed.

I looked back at Mags, she had been giggling the whole time.  And then she told me I was her favorite aunt.  And that she wanted to come live with me.

Speaking of the University of Michigan, I saw it this weekend.  We did a tour of the "Forgotten Cities" or in other words, cities that are well known but that you would never go to on purpose as your actual destination.  After this weekend, I can assure you they will never be forgotten again.  

I can promise you that there will be a travel post in the near future.  And I can promise there will be pictures.  Here is a sample of what is to come:

Get excited.


Liz said...

I am!

Alison said...

Ha! Great dream. Can't wait for the travel posts.

Kate said...

Wow. I didn't know there were that many poses to make.

Red said...

Can't wait, Sunshine.