Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bloggity Blogs

I talked to a friend last night who said that in order to make her life happier, she was going to stop reading blogs so much...

Then I read Cameo's post (Hi, Cameo!) about loving/hating blogs...

And I remembered how one of my favorite bloggers had just written about jumping ship on blogs...

I'm not going to lie, there have been phases in my life where I have grumpily thought we can't all marry cowboys...we can't all be fashion trendsetters...we can't all make fun of the way people spell alot...we can't all have cute husbands to write daily love letters to...we can't all be so clever with the use of a classic American song...and so from time to time I might get a little jealous when I read all these blogs.

But do you know what I love about blogs?  I feel like they all have something to say about the human experience, and I am fascinated by the human experience.  I love to see how other people live their lives (or the lives they let you see into by what they choose to share), I love to see how we're alike and how we're different.

And don't even get me started on family blogs - those are my absolute favorites.  I love seeing pictures,  hearing sad times and happy times, learning what they do for fun, seeing their talents, hearing their insights, and seeing overall how much love is shared.  When I see these things I feel better about myself, because their blood is my blood and when they are talented and lovely it must mean that I am talented and lovely too.

Blogs, for the most part, make me want to share all the good and pretty and hopeful things I come into contact with because I see so many good and pretty and hopeful things that inspire me, I want to join in and give back.  It's kind of like the name of this blog...I'm no Shakespeare or Michelangelo or Beethoven or Pioneer Woman or NieNie or Caty or Naomi.  I'm just a common street sweeper, who's trying to do the best she can with a somewhat mundane life and average talents.

So I hope no one ever feels depressed by reading my blog - there's nothing really to be jealous of.  Sometimes I post pretty pictures, but sometimes I post not so pretty pictures like this:

I mean, look at that gut.  This picture should make you nothing but happy, that's why I posted it the other day.

Sometimes, I am really nerdy.  Okay most of the time I'm nerdy.  Okay fine, I am a nerd.

Sometimes I post about fashion (but not because I'm trying to set a trend, but because I'm trying to share the human experience of the ridiculous joy of velvet).

Basically, what I'm trying to say is I totally understand the negative effects blogs can have.  But I just want to make sure I'm not adding to that negative effect.  And if that means I have to post more pictures of my gut in order to keep it real, I will.


Alison said...

I have had this same thought about blogs, I just wasn't as eloquent in my head. And I love every little thing about your blog. You are always so funny and profound, I want to be just like you. You are one reason I keep blogging. Please don't ever jump ship.

Kirsten said...

Ashley, your blog is a bright ray of sunshine rolling down a hill, in an otherwise often cloudy blog world. Thanks for keeping it real.

ria said...

Love it. I'll never stop reading your blog. You don't even have to put guts in it for me to read it.

Kim Woodruff said...

Mundane life and average talents? I don't think so.

Kati said...

Oh Ashley, your blog makes me super happy!! I love it. Thank you!

Sarah said...

You're a saint Ashley.

Caty said...

Oh how I love you SO much, Ashley! And I *love* reading your blog; it does make me happy!

P.S. You did not just compare me to Pioneer Woman, Nienie, and Taza. I am flattered, but nuh-uh! :)

The Sabeys said...

Hi Back. Thanks for the shout out! Like I said, I love your blog. You are the best writer. And I won't jump ship on you, I just may take breaks. And during those breaks I will continue to read Street Sweep and I will continue to smile.