Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy to Report

#1 - I'm happy to report that I am currently working on making all those snowflake patterns and requests.  I hope to have them up by the end of the week!

#2 - I'm happy to report that we are 42 days into the new year and I have flossed on every single one of them.  I love when New Years resolutions actually work.

#3 - I'm happy to report that I am using my student teaching position to introduce and convert young minds every where to the joy that is bagpipe music.

I was giving a music lesson to 78 students on different genres and how different types of music make us feel different and move differently.  They swayed perfectly to Claire de Lune, they got a little twitchy when the techno came on, they bounced like clockwork to Elvis, and boy did they come alive during the Ugly Duck rap song (it was very clean, I promise, and it was by far their favorite - they begged and begged to listen to it over and over again).

But then I turned on the bagpipe music and they all froze.  Half of them covered their ears, some of them were screaming, and the rest of them quietly begged me to turn it off/change it to another song.

I guess I now know what I can threaten them with when they don't do what I say.


Kim Woodruff said...

That's hilarious!
I can't wait to see more snowflakes!

Lizzy said...


Alison said...

You are my kind of teacher.

Kate said...

1) Your blog hates letting me comment. It's always a challenge.
2) Your students probably LOVE you and your bagpipe skills.
3) Is it too late to request a math-inspired snowflake?

Kelli Burton said...

there are so many things I love about this post.

numero uno: I'm impressed by your flossing. really. I need to follow your lead.

numero dos: your music lesson prob changed lives!

Natalia said...

Is it too late to request a Destiny game inspired snowflake? I feel that would be epic. And I love you.

Liz said...

Teach them how to love bagpipe music they will thank you one day, oh how some days I miss the classroom. I can only imagine how great a teacher you are. When you have your own classroom, can I come and just sit and watch and enjoy. Maybe I can be a sub for you once. :)