Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oxalis Acetosella

I bought an Oxalis Acetosella.  And I'm in love with it.

Probably because I love St. Patrick's Day.  It's my favorite holiday.

Not because I'm Irish.  Not because I love green.

But because I love unity.  And because I love matching.  And for one day out of the whole year, everyone (who remembers) gets up and decides to wear green.  And for one day we're all united in a simple, beautiful way.  And my heart is at peace. 

Except for those people who forget.  Or those people who try to say "My eyes are green, I don't need to wear green" or "I did wear green today (pointing to a strand of green thread in their shirt)."

In that case, I love St. Patrick's Day because I love pinching.  It's not often you get to give a good, sanctioned pinch.  Pinching makes my heart feel at peace.

That's why I love my Irish Shamrock, Oxalis Acetosella.  It looks like unity and pinching in plant form and makes my heart feel at peace.


Mamanua said...

That's my girl! Any chance Oregon might have an influence on that love of 'green' too? I feel Oregon green brings me peace, along with the beautiful Oxalis Acetosella. Happy pinching!!

Kirsten said...

I would have thought Pioneer Day was your favorite holiday...what with you getting to portray Lady Liberty in the T.O. parade...

Sarah said...

You are a disgrace to our Scottish ancestors.